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2023 is the year to upgrade your online marketing


Small and medium sized enterprises often find that in the daily hustle and bustle, there’s rarely the time nor the resources to do the hard and challenging work of online marketing.  And yet, after the last few difficult years, it’s more and more important to have your online presence up-to-date and effective.

Take five minutes and ask yourself these questions:

  • Is my site effective on mobile platforms, be it on phones or tablets? 
    (In 2019, 73% of websites were responsive. In 2021, that number jumped to 91%.) Mobile-friendly sites means customers don’t have to zoom and scroll when using their device to access your website.)
  • Am I ready to sell online?
    (As of January 2022, 55 percent of Canadians made online retail purchases with their mobile devices, and this trend is growing.)
  • Can customers find me, when they search for my key goods and services?
    (It’s no secret that consumers are becoming more reliant on the internet to find products, services, and businesses. ) 

If your website is largely an electronic brochure and it’s not performing, then it’s clearly time to explore what the Web is really meant to do. 

Thankfully, the Manitoba government has money available to help clients update their sites, through their Digital Manitoba Initiative.

Ottawa has also stepped up with up to $2400 dollars in grant money.  It’s available to help get your current site upgraded to compete for consumer dollars online.

Needless to say, Modern Earth has the ability to upgrade or rebuild your current site, and advise on the right digital commerce platforms for your business.  We can also help you properly optimize your site so that it’s “findable” online, or give you guidance on ways to maximize your presence with Search marketing tactics.

Modern Earth is planning a series of online sessions, first of which is on March 8th, 2023, for established commercial Manitoba businesses to hone the tools they need to build their online presence.  Reserve your spot to the event here! We want to help your business modernize its online presence, and we can help you navigate the process of accessing grant money to help defray the costs.  We will also be on-hand to discuss ways of maximizing your online investment, using Search Engine Optimization,  Content Marketing, and Pay Per Click Marketing.

Watch for details in our newsletter and on our social feeds.

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2023 is the year to upgrade your online marketing

by Brad Gordon Reading Time: 2 min