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Does Your Website Need a Summer Refresh? 5 Questions to Ask

Two drinks and a bottle of sunscreen with swimming pool in the background
In Case You Missed It —

The following is the text of a newsletter we recently sent to our clients and subscribers. If you aren’t on the list already, you can subscribe below; you’ll find the messages are not over-frequent and the list is not shared.

Plan now for improved results this fall

1. Does your website reflect your offering to your market?

Are you adequately telling your story? Are all your current services and products on the site? What’s missing? Does it emphasize the wrong things? Are you giving your customers new reasons to call on you?

2. Does your site look dated? Was your last site update years ago?

There are aesthetic as well as technical reasons to ask this question. Does your site look like it’s more than 10 years old? Does it really suffer when compared to your competitors’ sites?

Then there are technical reasons to take a closer look at your site. Websites aren’t a “set it and forget it” proposition. Is it slow to open? Do all the photos and logos load? Was it built on an old platform? Has it been checked for viruses? Does it have a security certificate? Is it technically optimized? There are many technical reasons to update your site.

3. Does your site look good on mobile phones?

More and more consumers do their browsing on their phones. More importantly, they increasingly make their purchases in that environment. You should check how your site looks on your phone once a month. That way you’re seeing what your potential customers are seeing, and catching any malfunctions.

4. Can your website do more?

Do you have a line of products? Do you want customers to book their appointments with you? Do you want to have your customers pay their invoices online? Or do you want to offer clients a way to keep abreast of your offering using email newsletters and sale notices? Imagine what you’d like to do online. It’s probably time to add more capabilities on your site.

5. Are you winning “the Google war”?

If you’re like us, you get a couple of emails every week from folks promising to get your site “top of Google” for your preferred keywords. You may have seen a competitor’s business listing or their location on the local map within the search engine results? If your site is not performing well in search results, a website audit can indicate issues that may be holding your site back from better search rankings and suggest areas for improvement.

Take Stock

Take a little time on a rainy day at the cabin, or while waiting for the big one to bite. These five questions will help you take stock of your site, and whether it’s time for a  “refresh”.

You may find you don’t have answers for all five questions. Don’t worry. We can help you complete your assessment and help you build a plan. 

Contact Paul Schmitt at 204-985-2460, ext 50

If your site is checking the boxes in your review, why not promote it? Talk to us about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and other online marketing tactics to drive traffic to your site — and turn visitors into paying customers.

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Does Your Website Need a Summer Refresh? 5 Questions to Ask

by Brad Gordon Reading Time: 2 min